Maghera Cricket Club have approved plans to enter a 2nd XI in League 4 this year for the first time in the clubs history. With an influx of new players MCC have decided now is the time to implement one of its long term strategic goals in fielding a 2nd XI. Here is a statement from club chairman Mark Semple:

"At tonight’s AGM we took the most exciting decision since forming the club 10 years ago. The members of the club have decided to enter a 2nd eleven for this season. The team will be included in the North West’s Qualifying Four competition for weekend matches.
This is a response to the uptake in youth cricket at the club and the promising amount of potential new players that have shown an interest in joining us.
This is a leap of faith by the club and we trust that everyone will partake of this great opportunity to be involved in and commit to competitive cricket and to become an even more active component of our great wee cricket team."
Fixtures for the 2nd XI will be released in the coming weeks by the North West Cricket Union. The club wishes to invite all players new and old to help the 1st & 2nd XI fulfil all their fixtures in the coming months. It hasn't even begun yet, but this season is looking like a very exciting a memorable period for Maghera Cricket Club and cricket in Mid-Ulster.
Written by Simon Alleyne